Vision, Values and Aims
Our vision is of a confident and ambitious school to which all can contribute and in which all can share. Our school will be vibrant and successful; a safe, happy, healthy and sustainable environment; and a place where people are nurtured and supported.
Our values are:
- openness, honesty and integrity
- diversity, fairness and compassion
- mutual trust and respect.
Our purpose is to:
- promote safety and well-being
- improve learning and achievement
- promote positive partnership with Parents and the wider community.
Our objectives are to:
- keep individuals safe and protected
- improve health, happiness and well-being
- develop the range and quality of learning experiences for all raise standards of performance and achievement
- develop active and responsible citizens
- develop caring and confident communities
Logiealmond Primary School, Perth, Perth and Kinross, PH1 3TB | Phone: 01738 459560