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Logiealmond Primary School, Perth and Kinross

Severe Weather Information

Localised severe weather during school hours: -

Parents will be notified by telephone if the school is planning to close. It is essential that the school has an emergency contact number so that notice of closure can be given if there is no reply at the home number. Children should be aware of arrangements parents make if they are to be away from home e.g. wait at a neighbour’s house.

 Localised severe weather before school hours:-

If it is doubtful that the school will open because of poor road conditions, the Head Teacher will contact Perth and Kinross Council who will update the PKC Website/Facebook and Twitter pages. Parents of those pupils who have school transport are asked to contact Burnbrae Garage on 01764 683241 before sending children out to wait for transport. If the contractors decide that conditions are too hazardous for transport to operate, the school may not open.

Children must not be brought to school unless parents have had confirmation that the school is open.

20th May 2022