Access Keys:

Logiealmond Primary School, Perth and Kinross


August 2022 October 2022
Monday, 5th September 2022
P4-7 pupils - Swimming Lessons (10.15am- 11am) ( pupils should bring a swimming costume/trunks and towel )
Tuesday, 6th September 2022
PE - 2 hours at Chapel Hill Hall (Pupils should bring a PE kit or come dressed in T-shirt/joggers/shorts and bring a change of shoes to be kept in school which are suitable for PE and wearing in school e.g., plimsolls or trainers.)
Wednesday, 7th September 2022
PE - 1 hour at School (Pupils should bring a PE kit or come dressed in T-shirt/joggers/shorts and bring a change of shoes to be kept in school which are suitable for PE and wearing in school e.g., plimsolls or trainers.)
Monday, 12th September 2022
P4-7 pupils - Swimming Lessons (10.15am- 11am) ( pupils should bring a swimming costume/trunks and towel )
Tuesday, 13th September 2022
PE - 2 hours at Chapel Hill Hall (Pupils should bring a PE kit or come dressed in T-shirt/joggers/shorts and bring a change of shoes to be kept in school which are suitable for PE and wearing in school e.g., plimsolls or trainers.)
Wednesday, 14th September 2022
PE - 1 hour at School (Pupils should bring a PE kit or come dressed in T-shirt/joggers/shorts and bring a change of shoes to be kept in school which are suitable for PE and wearing in school e.g., plimsolls or trainers.)
Monday, 19th September 2022
Bank Holiday (School closed for Funeral of Queen Elizabeth II )
Tuesday, 20th September 2022
PE - 2 hours at Chapel Hill Hall (Pupils should bring a PE kit or come dressed in T-shirt/joggers/shorts and bring a change of shoes to be kept in school which are suitable for PE and wearing in school e.g., plimsolls or trainers.)
Wednesday, 21st September 2022
PE - 1 hour at School (Pupils should bring a PE kit or come dressed in T-shirt/joggers/shorts and bring a change of shoes to be kept in school which are suitable for PE and wearing in school e.g., plimsolls or trainers.)
Monday, 26th September 2022
P4-7 pupils - Swimming Lessons (10.15am- 11am) ( pupils should bring a swimming costume/trunks and towel )
Tuesday, 27th September 2022
PE - 2 hours at Chapel Hill Hall (Pupils should bring a PE kit or come dressed in T-shirt/joggers/shorts and bring a change of shoes to be kept in school which are suitable for PE and wearing in school e.g., plimsolls or trainers.)
Wednesday, 28th September 2022
PE - 1 hour at School (Pupils should bring a PE kit or come dressed in T-shirt/joggers/shorts and bring a change of shoes to be kept in school which are suitable for PE and wearing in school e.g., plimsolls or trainers.)